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This is an Ableton template to help you achieve that big room sound with this uplifting arps/leads template you will learn how to layer synths and leads and eq them in way that gives this peak time feel.

Length: 01:00
DAW: Ableton 8.3.4 (NOT TESTED ON LIVE 9!)
Plugins needed:
  • ArtsAcoustic Reverb
  • Fabfilter Pro-C
  • Fabfilter Pro-Q
  • Fabfilter Timeless
  • iZotope Ozone 5
  • Pluging Alliance - Maaq EQ
  • Sylenth1 (v2.2.1)
[i] Please make sure you have all up to date version of the VST's.
[i] If ozone does not load the preset please select "gentle tube" - this is as close to my preset as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a template of the above sounds only and not a full construction pack, i have created this as a basis for you to build your own tracks & help your creativity.
IMPORTANT! This is a template to allow you to build on what i have created with each channel treated and ready to use and not a full track*

* Thanks to Giorgio Astuni Campos for helping me convert this project for ableton users:

NOTE: Please make sure you have all the up to date versions of the vsts before loading the project. Only if you have confirmed all versions of your vsts are up to date and still have a problem then contact me.


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