Thisproject represents a high-quality FL Studio Uplifting Trance Template.
This will help you to achieve light sound - revealing the secrets of information Energetic Uplifting Trance. It will be useful for your EDM music learning.
It was supported: FSOE 367 by Aly & Fila.
Software: FL Studio (used v.11.1)
Duration: 07:25
Plug-ins: ArtsAcoustic Reverb, Bionic Delay, Massive, Nexus, Spire, Sylenth1, Valhalla VintageVerb, Voxengo Sound Delay, Waves 9, Sonalksis Creative Filter, WarmVerb, L3-LL Ultra Stereo, RCompressor Stereo.
If you need any support please let me know by email. Contact me via my profile.
The project / template is for learning purposes!
The melody is copyrighted and you're not alowed to use it in your own tracks.
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