You will get all 8 Uplifting Trance Templates for FL Studio in style of (Photographer, Allen & Envy, Andy Blueman etc). In this bundle has everything you need to make an banging Trance track in the style of Photographer, Allen & Envy, Abstract Vision and many more. This is style playing by Armin van Buuren - ASOT, Paul van Dyk, Aly & Fila, uCast, Bjorn Akesson and many others.
Feel free to manipulate this template and create your own tracks, starting off with this project will make it very easy to sign to your favourite Trance label such as Enhanced, Cloudland, Monster Tunes, Armind and many more.
Please make sure you have all required plug-ins mentioned on the right-side in order to get a good clear sound. No refunds will be accepted if you don't have all required plug-ins.
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