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This template teaches you how to build the intro section of a driving Trance track.

You will learn how to layer certain sounds and how to fully utilise simple EQ techniques to achieve a professional sound. You will also learn how to use Bus and Send channels to your advantage and well as looking into automation techniques. 
This template only uses Logics synths and FX which means you don't need to go out and spend more money to achieve this pro sound. 
Included in this template is:
• Kick
• Percussion
• Snare
• Clap
• Atmosphere
• Risers/Downsweep's
• Crash's
• FX 

Please remember this is an intro only and can be changed to your taste. IE, if you love this template but are not too fond of the clap, you can simply change it using the Sampler Instruments included in this template.
• If you have any questions or problems after buying this template please send your queries to [email protected]

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